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Privacy Policy (GDPR)

Privacy Policy (GDPR)

In carrying out its activities, "LANCOM BULGARIA" Ltd., UIC 131332180, with registered office and address: Sofia 1330, Blvd. Acad. Ivan Geshov No. 2E, processes information, including personal data.

"LANCOM BULGARIA" Ltd. owns and operates the online store in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act and related legal regulations, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR").

This Policy aims to inform you about how we process your personal data as a data controller and about your rights.

Reasons for Processing Personal Data

"LANCOM BULGARIA" Ltd. may process your personal data for various reasons depending on the relationship between us, based on the applicable legal grounds, such as: legitimate business interests, entering into and/or performing a contract with you, compliance with legal obligations, or your freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous consent.

Types of Personal Data Collected and Processed

Depending on the specific purpose, "LANCOM BULGARIA" Ltd. may process various types of data:

  • Your names, address, email, delivery address for ordered goods (e.g., for issuing invoices, warranty cards, delivery, profile creation, registration on our website, product purchase, contract conclusion).
  • Contact information (address, phone, email) for correspondence, contract conclusion, and legal documents.
  • Email and password for access management and profile identification.
  • Payment details and protection of payment data (email, phone, billing address, delivery address, payment method information, purchase amount, and purchase frequency).
  • Participation in online surveys and marketing activities – different types of information such as names, postal address, phone number, email, communication preferences, purchase and search history.

Activities for Which Personal Data is Collected and Processed

  1. Online Store Management Activities:

    • Data for fulfilling orders from the online store based on contract conclusion.
    • Data for our fraud prevention system regarding payment based on our legitimate interest in protecting the data we control.
    • Accounting and invoicing for purchases from the online store based on our legal obligation.
  2. Profile Management on Our Website:

    • Data related to managing your access (identification), based on your consent.
  3. Marketing Activities:

    • Personal information collected allows us to keep you updated about our latest products and events, improve our services, content, and advertising. If you prefer not to be included in our mailing list, you can unsubscribe at any time by updating your preferences in your profile on our website.
    • We use personal information to help in the development, delivery, and improvement of our products, services, content, and advertising.
    • We may periodically use your personal information to send important notifications, such as updates on your purchases and changes to our policies.
    • We may also use your personal information for internal purposes, such as audits, data analysis, and research to improve products, services, and customer communications.
    • Handling complaints related to "LANCOM BULGARIA" products based on legitimate interest.
    • Inquiries and questions regarding our products based on your consent.

Security Measures for Data Protection

In full compliance with legal requirements for data protection, we apply strict organizational and technical security measures, including:

  • Encryption of personal data.
  • Measures ensuring the continuous confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of processing systems.
  • Measures for timely restoration of availability and access to personal data in the event of a physical or technical incident.
  • Regular testing and evaluation of the effectiveness of measures to ensure processing security.

How to File a Complaint?

For Bulgaria, the competent authority is the Commission for Personal Data Protection: 1592 Sofia, Blvd. "Tsvetan Lazarov" No. 2, tel. +359 2 915 3580; fax +359 2 915 3525; email: website:

How to Contact Us Regarding Privacy Issues?

Email address: or at our address: Sofia, Blvd. “Acad. Ivan Geshov" No. 2E

Privacy Policy (GDPR) and Cookie Usage

Be informed! The protection of personal data and the observance of our clients' rights is a primary commitment of "LANCOM BULGARIA" Ltd. Therefore, we take all necessary efforts and resources to process your data fully in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 "General Data Protection Regulation" (GDPR).

We consider it important to protect your privacy and inform you about how we collect, use, transmit, and protect your personal data when using the online store


“LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd., UIC 131332180, with its registered office and address: Sofia 1582, 2E Acad. Ivan Geshov Blvd., is the owner of the online store and manages it in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act and related legal regulations, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and local legislation, “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd. is a data controller responsible for compliance with the European regulation regarding data protection.
Our personal data protection practices are in line with current data protection laws. We strive to provide you with maximum transparency about why we need your data and how we store it.
If you have questions about “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd.'s data protection policy, wish to exercise any of your rights, or have questions about the online store, you can contact us at the following addresses:

1330 Sofia, 2E Acad. Ivan Geshov Blvd.
Phones: +359 2 9200561 or +359 2 9200563

“LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd. collects, processes, and stores personal data in connection with the use of the online store, for handling inquiries and orders or contracts for the products and services offered by the company, or for the delivery of goods and services, as well as the relationships arising in this regard.
Personal data refers to any information related to an identified or identifiable person (subject of activity). Personal data includes any information, direct or indirect, relating to the subject, such as name, address, email, phone number, etc.
At “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd., we collect personal data that you, as our client, voluntarily provide in connection with the use of the online store, as well as upon the conclusion and execution of a contract for the sale of goods and services. The collection of personal data is for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes and is not processed by third parties in a manner incompatible with these purposes.
We may also receive information containing your personal data from our subcontractors, business partners, or from public registers.


  • Name, surname, phone, email, position or profession, delivery address – during communication by phone;
  • Name, surname, email, phone – during registration on the website;
  • Email – when subscribing to the website newsletter;
  • Name, surname, phone, email, position or profession, delivery address – during inquiries, orders, or contracts for the products or services offered by “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd.;
  • Voice recording – of incoming and outgoing calls from “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd.’s customer service call center.

Without providing the described personal data, “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd. will not be able to fulfill the services you expect from us.
Additionally, we may collect and subsequently process certain information regarding your behavior while browsing our online store to personalize your online experience and provide offers tailored to your profile.
In the online store of “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd., we may store and collect information through cookies and similar technologies as per our Cookie Policy.

“LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd. does not collect or process sensitive data included in the special categories of personal data under the GDPR. Personal data revealing race or ethnic origin, political, religious, or philosophical beliefs, biometric or genetic data, union membership, data related to health, sexual life, or sexual orientation are not collected or processed by “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd.
Moreover, “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd. does not wish to collect or process data from minors under 16 years of age.

“LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd. collects and processes personal data that you voluntarily provide in connection with the use of the online store and the conclusion of a contract with “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd., including for the following purposes:

  • Handling inquiries and orders or contracts for the products or services offered by “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd., including acceptance, confirmation, dispatch, and invoicing;
  • Delivery of goods and services, as well as relationships arising in this regard;
  • Creating and managing a customer account, and providing full functionality when using the store;
  • Accounting purposes;
  • Providing information and offers for current, promotional, and new products and services (SMS, email, phone), only with explicit consent;
  • Providing satisfaction surveys, opinions, and recommendations regarding the offered goods and services;
  • Statistical purposes, market research, tracking, and monitoring of sales and customer behavior;
  • Returning products and refunding their value in accordance with legal regulations;
  • Managing complaints and resolving issues related to order cancellations or other problems with purchased goods and services;
  • Providing support, including answering questions regarding orders for goods and services offered by “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd.;
  • Providing third parties such as couriers, subcontractors providing furniture delivery and installation, warranty service providers, merchants, and individuals bound by contracts containing standard EU-approved data protection clauses.

Personal data may be provided to prosecutors, police, courts, and other state authorities within the law and based on explicitly requested requirements.
For data processing to be lawful, valid legal grounds must exist. Depending on the purposes, personal data processing is usually necessary for concluding a contract between “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd. and the user of the provided goods and services. Data is processed in accordance with applicable legislation, including tax and accounting laws. “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd. collects and processes personal data only with the user’s consent or upon legitimate interest. The user has the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the data processing based on consent before its withdrawal.


  • Accuracy and timeliness of provided data;
  • Lawfulness, transparency, and good faith in processing and collecting personal data;
  • Compatibility with processing purposes and minimization of collected data;
  • Limiting the storage of data for the achievement of the purposes;
  • Integrity and confidentiality of processed data and ensuring its secure storage.

“LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd. collects and processes personal data only with user consent or declared interest. “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd. guarantees that it processes personal data securely, applying and maintaining adequate technical measures for protecting personal data against destruction, accidental loss, or illegal alteration, disclosure, or unauthorized access, as well as against any other form of illegal processing.
Questions about data security can be sent to

In full compliance with legal requirements for personal data protection, “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd. applies strict organizational and technical security measures, including:

  • Encryption of personal data, i.e., making it non-identifiable;
  • Measures to ensure continuous confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of processing systems;
  • Measures for timely recovery of data availability and access in the event of physical or technical incidents;
  • Regular testing and evaluation of the effectiveness of measures to ensure secure processing.

“LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd. does not store personal data in an identifiable form for a period longer than necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. Personal data provided in connection with online orders is not stored beyond the period specified in applicable legal requirements. If no specified period is indicated, personal data is destroyed after achieving the purposes for which it was collected.
All regulatory documents related to fulfilled orders, such as warehouse receipts, handover protocols, and invoices, are stored in accordance with current legislation.
All electronic and paper carriers containing personal data are protected with appropriate technical measures as per the requirements to prevent accidental or intentional destruction, loss, or unlawful access, as well as other illegal forms of processing. All personal data in electronic form is stored by “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd. on secure servers with restricted access, using the latest encryption algorithms, and protected with antivirus software, firewalls, and others. Server rooms are accessible only to administrators with special access and comply with EU regulations – including being located within the EU.

Every user of goods and services offered by “LANCOM BULGARIA” Ltd., who has provided personal data, has the right at any time:

  • To check the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of the provided data;
  • To access the provided personal data;
  • To request appropriate correction, deletion, or blocking (restricting processing) of the provided personal data;
  • To request the transfer of provided personal data to another person;
  • To object to the processing of their personal data at any time and on legitimate grounds;
  • To refuse the processing of their personal data for the purposes of receiving promotional newsletters and other marketing communications;
  • To lodge a complaint with the Commission for Personal Data Protection if they believe that their data protection rights have been violated.


This policy is effective as of 25.05.2018. "Cookies" are small text files containing letters and numbers that are downloaded to your computer, mobile device, or laptop when you visit a website. They allow the website to remember your actions and preferences—like username, language, font size, and other display settings—for a certain period of time so that you don’t have to re-enter them every time you visit the site or navigate from one page to another.

Cookies are used for the following purposes:

  • To ensure the functionality of the site;
  • To analyze visitor behavior on the site;
  • For advertising purposes.

Cookies can be:

  • Temporary – stored only for the duration of your visit to a website. They are deleted once the browser is closed. The session starts when the browser window is opened and ends when it is closed.
  • Persistent – remain on the user’s device for a period specified in each cookie. They are activated each time the user visits the website that created the cookie or until they are manually deleted by the user.

When visiting the website, the following types of cookies may be activated:

  • Analytical cookies;
  • Advertising cookies;
  • Cookies necessary for the operation of the site.

Mandatory cookies are essential, enabling the user to navigate the site and use its various features. These cookies do not require user consent. Functional cookies allow the website to remember user preferences and provide better, personalized service. The information from these cookies is anonymous and does not track user actions on other websites. Technical cookies collect information on how the user interacts with the website, such as which pages are most frequently visited. These cookies do not collect personal information or information that could identify the user. The data from these cookies is anonymous and used in aggregate form. The information gathered is used to improve the functionality of the website. Advertising and targeting cookies are used for advertising purposes. Additionally, they aim to limit the repetition of the same ad the user sees and track the effectiveness of a given ad campaign. They remember the user’s visit to the website, and this information is shared with other organizations, such as advertisers.

Cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the website. Each user has the option to configure their browser to block cookies, but in this case, some sections of the website may not function properly. More information on how users can manage and/or delete cookies can be found at (

Disabling cookies does not mean that users will no longer receive online advertising; it only means that the ads will no longer be tailored to the user’s preferences and interests while browsing the internet. "LANCOM BULGARIA" Ltd. does not use cookies for purposes other than those stated in this notice.

VALIDITY AND UPDATE OF THE POLICY "LANCOM BULGARIA" Ltd. periodically updates its Data Protection Policy. In the event of a change in this policy, a notification will be published on our website, along with the updated Data Protection Policy.