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Warranty conditions

I. General conditions
1. The user has the right to claim for non-compliance of the goods with the agreed.
2. The warranty card must contain the following information: name and address of the Merchant; product name and product/serial number; name and address of the manufacturer and/or the importer; date of purchase or commissioning, if the latter is carried out by the Merchant
or by his employee; warranty period.
3. After noticing a discrepancy in the goods, the user is obliged to report it in the shortest possible
terms, according to what is written in Chapter III "Submitting a complaint", by reporting the type of product, its factory
number, describe the discrepancy and provided a receipt issued by the Merchant as well as a completed
Warranty Card. The warranty is only valid against the provision of a warranty card by the customer. Attention:
A damaged, incorrectly or incompletely completed warranty card is invalid!
4. The storage and preservation of the data, programs and settings uploaded to the product is the responsibility of the user.
The merchant or the Service Centers are not responsible (within the legal provisions) for damages caused
by loss or corruption of data, nor for indirect damages and consequential losses, for loss of income, even in the
cases when they occurred due to a reason that is a consequence of a repair carried out.
II. User rights based on mandatory warranty
1. The rights listed in this warranty card can be exercised within the specified
warranty period.
2. The warranty period starts from the day when the goods are handed over to the consumer or from the commissioning of the
goods, if it was carried out by the Merchant or his employee, the date being explicitly stated in the
Warranty Card.
3. In case of non-compliance of the consumer goods with the sales contract, the consumer has the right to file a complaint, asking the Merchant to bring the goods into compliance with the sales contract. In this case
the consumer can choose between repairing the goods or replacing them with a new one, unless this is
impossible or the method of compensation chosen by him is disproportionate compared to the other.
It is accepted, that a given method of compensation to the consumer is disproportionate if its use imposes
expenses to the Merchant which, compared to the other method of compensation, are unreasonable, taking into account:
- the value of the consumer goods, if there was no lack of non-compliance;
- the significance of the non-compliance;
- the possibility to offer the user another way of compensation, which is not related to significant
inconveniences for him.
4. When the consumer goods do not conform to the sales contract, the Merchant is obliged to bring them into compliance with the sales contract. 4.1. Bringing the consumer goods into compliance with the sales contract must be carried out within one month, counted from the submission of the claim by the consumer. 4.2. After the expiration of the term under item 4.1. the consumer has the right to cancel the contract and be reimbursed
the amount paid or to request a reduction in the price of the consumer goods according to item 5.
4.3. Bringing the consumer product into conformity with the sales contract is free of charge to the consumer.
He shall not be liable for shipping costs for the consumer product or for materials and labor related to its repair, and
shall not incur significant inconvenience.< 4.4. The user may also request compensation for the damages suffered as a result of the non-compliance.
5. In case of non-compliance of the consumer goods with the sales contract and when the consumer is not satisfied
with the resolution of the complaint under item 4, he has the right to choose between one of the following options:
- cancellation of the contract and refund of the paid from it amount;
- price reduction.
5.1. The consumer cannot claim a refund of the amount paid or a reduction in the price of the
goods when the trader agrees to replace the consumer goods with a new one or to repair the goods within one month of submitting the claim by the user.
5.2. The consumer cannot claim to cancel the contract if the discrepancy of the consumer
goods with the contract is minor.
6. The consumer can exercise his right to claim within a period of up to two years, counted from the handover of the
consumer goods or from the commissioning of the goods, if it was carried out by the Merchant or by his
6.1. The term under item 6 stops running during the time necessary for the repair or replacement of the consumer goods
or for reaching an agreement between the Trader and the consumer to resolve the dispute.
6.2. The exercise of the user's right under item 6 is not bound by any other time limit for bringing a claim,
different from the time limit under item 6.
III. Filing a complaint
The user can make a complaint to the Merchant, but can also contact directly the
Service Centers of the Importer listed in this warranty card with a request for repair or replacement,
according to item 3 of section II of this Warranty Card.
IV. Cases when warranty service may be refused
1. Warranty service does not apply when the defects, problems and/or non-conformity are the result of
the reasons listed below:
- the product is not used as intended;
- non-professional maintenance or modification of the product;< br>- use of software, data carriers, spare parts, accessories or consumables that are not
supplied or approved by the manufacturer;
- operation of the product, inconsistent with its characteristics;
- any and it is an intervention or repair causing a defect or a cause of malfunction that was not carried out
by a service center specified in this warranty card.
2. Warranty service may be refused when the user does not comply with the operating conditions
indicated in the product manual, resulting in a defect, damage and/or non-conformity.
3. When submitting a complaint, the user must attach the original of this Warranty card with the correct contents and a receipt regarding the purchase of the product. Complaints are not accepted when the documents specified in the previous sentence are not
provided, as well as when the product serial number cannot
be read or is missing, except for cases where this is caused by the manufacturer or by< br>The merchant.
4. If defects, problems and/or inconsistencies occur due to the above reasons, the repair is at
the user's expense even within the warranty period.
5. Warranty service only covers software that has been installed on the product by the manufacturer and
that is the intellectual property of the manufacturer. Software warranty support is limited
because when a software product is used on manufacturer-specified devices, its performance conforms
to the software specifications set. This warranty card does not cover cases where the software
must operate in a different hardware and software environment specified by the user, or when it must
meet user-defined requirements that differ from its specification.
6. Warranty service does not cover the cases listed below:
- performance of periodic control checks, service, repair or replacement of parts worn out as a result of
normal operation;
- defects, problems and/or inconsistencies caused by improper use or installation (overloading,
mechanical damage, shock, shock, impact of temperature, moisture, liquid, dust, food, drinks,
objects, plants, animals, insects, toxic substances or other factors outside the permissible limits),
the use of the product in a way different from that described in the instructions for operation/use and/or
the instructions for the product;
- when the conditions described in the instructions for operation/use are not observed and/or product instructions,
the conditions for transport, assembly, installation, operation and/or storage;
- damages caused by electric shocks, lightning, floods, fires, wars, civil disobedience ,
force majeure circumstances, working with a non-standard power supply network or other external influences beyond the
control of the Manufacturer, Importer and/or Trader;
- modifications made due to differences in the broadcasting method in different countries;
- modifications carried out so that the product can function in a country for which it was not manufactured;
- repairs carried out by an unauthorized service center or by an unauthorized person;
- when working with a non-standard power supply network, with other unsuitable or non-standard devices, with non-standard
cable network, non-original chargers;
The manufacturer and Authorized Service Centers are not responsible for loss of data and information from
defective devices.
V. Obligations of the Merchant and the service center related to the Warranty Card
1. When selling the product, the Merchant is obliged to check the product and its serial number in the Warranty
card, note the date of purchase, certify the card and hand it over to the user. The user undertakes to check whether the data has been entered correctly. In the event of a dispute, it is the user who must
prove that the discrepancy between the product and serial number in the Warranty card and on the product,
is the result of an omission by the Merchant.
2. When a repair is carried out within the scope of the warranty service, the Dealer or the workshop is obliged to
note in the Warranty