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Ланком България е частна компания за доставка на едро и поддръжка на висококачествено комуникационно, периферно и компютърно оборудване. Компанията предлага продукти на световни лидери в ИТ сектора като ZTE, Ubiquiti, MikroTik, TP-LINK, AEG, ZyXEL, Kyocera и др., както и собствената си марка SeaMAX за медни и оптични кабели, MID устройства и компоненти.

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Who are we?

Lancom Bulgaria is a private company for wholesale supply and maintenance of high-quality communication, peripheral and computer equipment. The company offers products to world leaders in the IT sector such as ZTE, Ubiquiti, MikroTik, TP-LINK, AEG, ZyXEL, Kyocera, etc., as well as its own brand SeaMAX for copper and fiber optic cables, MID devices and components. On their basis, Lancom Bulgaria provides complete product lines that fully meet the specific requirements of each client. Lancom Bulgaria is a long-standing supplier and partner of hundreds of Bulgarian small, medium and large companies, as well as other organizations.

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